Community Garden

Friday, July 30, 2010

Our baskets are filling

As July continues on our garden continues to grow in all directions! The sunflowers now tower over the garden, the tomato plants have developed into fragrant bushes holding delicious fruits and the kale and Swiss chard give bountiful harvests weekly. This week our community gardening night was full of plucking and picking as well as dead heading and putting in more twin and poles to hold our tomato plants up off the ground.

Out in the Simple Garden plot we discovered that a creature of the nearby woods has been nibbling on our veggies (and sunflowers too!)With the late planting things are coming up slow, and because of the nibbler we planning to modify it into a fall garden for the next season with things that stay tucked away under the soil and out of nibblers mouths like potatoes and onions.

With all the nooks and crannies of out tomato bushes, harvesting is sometimes more of a scavenger hunt. but Bree still manages to fill her basket with lots of yummy cherry tomatoes

Mmm, yellow pear my favorite!

What a beautiful eggplant!

Our garden has also been blessed with the creation of several videos about our garden's mission and community. Check them all out below!

More to come soon!



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