Community Garden

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

9/28/07 Farmer's Market

On Spetember 28, Celeste's Dream community garden collaborated with MULCH, the Macalester student community garden, to sell vegetables and raise funds to aid southeast Minnesota farmers whose crops were damaged by floods this summer. We sold tat soy, parsley, eggplant, Swiss chard, and a few peppers, along with some yellow pear tomatoes from the Tacheny farm. As well as vegetables, Jennifer offered useful advice to customers who were curious about cooking new foods such as tat soy and Swiss chard. Our table was graced by the presence of several ladybugs and a very resilient caterpillar who managed to hang on to a parsley stalk even as the other veggies blew away in the strong wind! After all the veggies were gone and the bugs were returned to their homes, we counted over $150 in sales and donations. It was a blustery, succesful, and fun afternoon!


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