A big HELLO to the 6th year of the Community Garden!

The turn out for our seed planting last Tuesday (March23rd) was phenomenal! With the over 25 new and returning members, we were able to start 8 flats of seeds in both plastic and handmade paper pots (thanks to Jennifer's handy paper pot making tool). These included: lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, basil, an assortment of flowers, and egg plant- just to name a few. The enthusiasm of the group allowed for a few other projects to be finished as well. The garden sign is now proudly hanging on the arbor, the timbers that go around the edges of the sidewalk are back in place, and our stackable tables are setup in the green house. On Tuesday, April 20th, we will meet again at 6pm to transplant our seedlings and arrange them in the greenhouse. See you all then!
As winter ends
An spring brings warmth and light,
We call forth the spirits of these seeds:
From your rest so dark and long
Awaken now with birth!
You shall, in time, grow green and fruitful in Mother Earth.
May it be so!
An spring brings warmth and light,
We call forth the spirits of these seeds:
From your rest so dark and long
Awaken now with birth!
You shall, in time, grow green and fruitful in Mother Earth.
May it be so!